Reaching new heights of excellence calls for an equally lofty tribute. Enter the Pioneer Tower, a shimmering vision that celebrates ambition realized and aspirations achieved. The sleek silhouette evokes a soaring skyscraper, reminding you of the vision and perseverance required to turn dreams into reality. For the trailblazer who's reached the summit of success, the Pioneer Tower is the perfect monument to a job well done. After all, forging new frontiers often means ascending to new heights.
Normal Production Time 8 Working Days
Product Size 2-1/2" W x 10" H x 1-1/4" D
Weight 3.5
Additional Information
**Standard Production Time: 6-8 Days After Art Approval** Price Includes One Imprint Process and One Imprint Location Personalization Included Shown with Colorfill - Add $14.00(r) Per Piece/Per Color Packaging: Two-Piece Black Gift Box with Die-Cut Foam