New Hours Monday thu Friday; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Saturday & Sunday

Deluxe Name Badges
#CBB-01, name badge, name tag, badge Screened & Engraved

Pricing Details

Production Time: 5 Working Days
25 $10.25 each
50 $8.05 each
100 $7.00 each
250 $6.35 each
500 $6.10 each
$40.00 each
So many choices! Material colors, screen printing colors, fasteners, finishing options... truly a custom badge. A Write-on surface can be added as an additional color. For situations where the badge will get heavy use, a clear protective UV coating may be added for the cost of an additional screening color. Includes 1 color imprint, 3 llines of engraved personalization & pin fastener.
Trade shows, meetings, schools, banks, hospitals, medical clinics, nursing homes, associations, real estate realtors, insurance agents, hotels, hospitality industry, restaurants, retailers, grocery stores, radio and television stations, travel industry.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
1-5 square inches

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
• Badges are priced on square inches (multiply height by width to get total square inches for a badge)
• Standard Imprint Colors: One color included in the price
• Engraved Logos: If you need your logo permanently engraved into your badge, ask about engraved logos.
• Finishing Your Badge: Choose from beveled edges or rounded corners
• Badge Fasteners: Badges include a 153-EZ pin fastener. Optional fasteners (magnets, strap clips, lanyards, swivel clips, etc.), are available for an additional charge